Veronica used the sheets for an exhibit called And There The Moon-Bird Rests From His
Flight. The installation was
set up on the Broad Street window in UARTS’ Anderson Hall. It represented Veronica
and fellow CHER artist Jessie Clark’s interpretation of Shel Silverstien’s

On the actual installation day we painted the wall to look
like it was a child’s bedroom, including doorframe, windows, and picture fames.
Veronica taught us that lighting works best when the bulbs face opposite,
diagonal directions. We were constantly running in and out of the building to
make sure everything looked level and even, and I think some people were more
interested in seeing us waving our arms and making expressive faces in order to
communicate since the window glass was nearly sound proof. One man watched us
the entire time proclaiming that the installation was part of the art piece,
although we believed he might have had his eyes on something else.
In the end onlookers of Broad St got a great view into the
dark world of childhood nightmares mixed with the lightheartedness of
Silverstien’s poems.
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